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Academic Skills Consultations

In addition to our long-term academic support services, MindFit offers Academic Skills Consultations.  

testThese consultations are open to all WVU students who are interested in improving their academic and self-management skills. This focused, short-term intervention consists of three, one-hour sessions with a professional academic coach. The Academic Skills Consultations equip students with the necessary skills to implement a successful approach to college based on principles from cognitive science that address critical areas of time management and effective study strategies. 


Our staff will meet with you one-on-one to help:

  • manage your time
  • improve your organization
  • create an assignment management system
  • study more effectively
  • read more effectively
  • create effective habits for academic & personal success


Academic Skills Consultations consist of 3 sessions. All 3 sessions are priced at $500.  

For more information, call MindFit's Academic Enhancement Office at 304-293-9232.

To apply for the Academic Skills Consultation program, click here.


We accept credit card payments via WVU's official e-commerce site. Students will receive payment instructions to access this site upon acceptance into the MindFit program. 

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