How is MindFit Academic Enhancement different from other tutoring on campus?
MindFit Academic Enhancement is one-on-one, peer-to-peer academic coaching. Our coaches are matched with a student for the entire semester (or longer). Appointments are scheduled at the start of the semester and occur on the same day/time throughout the term. This long-term structure allows for our coaches and students to develop a semester-long plan for academic skill development. This long-term relationship also allows for mentorship.
What is Academic Coaching?
Academic coaching is where students learn to become more effective learners and improve their executive functioning skills. Academic coaching is a major component of our academic enhancement program. Our coaches do more than assist students with their course content; MindFit coaches utilize the course content as a gateway to help students develop their own academic capacity.
How can I pay for MindFit?
We offer an online payment option through WVU's office e-commerce site. Upon admittance into the program, we will provide instructions for payment. MindFit also
accepts payments from some third-party party vendors including the VA. Eligible West
Virginia residents can receive funding for tutoring through the
WV Division of Rehabilitation Services. Similar agencies exist to provide out-of-state
students with funding.
Information regarding billing is sent closer to the start of the semester. If
you have specific questions about billing information, please call or email the MindFit program.
What do my fees include?
Fees include coaching sessions, weekly or monthly meetings with program staff, and use of the MindFit Learning Center located on the downtown WVU campus in 505 Hodges Hall. In our main learning center, MindFit students can print, scan, and copy for free as well as use our computers.
How does scheduling work?
Students will be contacted by their coaches the first week of classes to set up an initial meeting. Here, students and coaches will compare schedules and decide on times to meet based on the coaching package the student signs up for. Students will then meet with their academic coach the same time every week until the end of the semester.
Where is MindFit located?
MindFit's Coaching Center is located on the downtown campus in 505 Hodges Hall. The offices for Cognitive Enhancement services are located here as well.